That's gross. What I mean to say is I'm dumping a bunch of goat drawings on this blog. There you go. Anyways, I've slowly been working on this retelling of the Billy Goat's Gruff story. I posted some trolls like a year ago. Here are some goats! Old goats....not so old goats....big goats....crazy eyed goats......GOATS.
Jen you think you're so sneaky don't you? Updating your blog and then telling me all you did was mess around with your template! You can't fool me! These goats are pretty sweet! So sweet that I can't pick a favorite. You should board it now!
Hi Jennifer, My name is Yezi and I have just been accepted by the CalArts CA program. I found your blog on and was wondering if I could ask you a few questions.
I guess my biggest question is how helpful was the CalArts career services office? How did you go about looking for jobs/internships? And was it difficult at all looking for a job with a primarily 2d background in such a 3d-dominated industry?
I like the guy drawing with his horn. That's one of those things where drawing out your ideas is the best, because would you have even thought of that if you were writing it down??
Is he a dark wizard
Who is cursing the troll
I like the cute little baby one, too. And the beefy mangoat. They're all freakin awesome, Jen.
yezix - I'd be happy to answer your questions, but email would be better. Do you have an email I could send the answers to? and thanks!
Ed - Haha! Sweet! That exact reaction is what I wanted.
Emma - Thanks! I need to try more to draw ideas instead of just characters. I'm happy with that sketch because it accomplished just that. Must do more!
Man, Jen, your animal drawings know no rival! I love the horn-scratching sketch. But I seem to remember there also being an allosaurus guarding the bridge. Don't forget to draw him ;)
hopefully it's made up. local to you tho, sorry i didn't research more before posting this here but I get the impression time is short- they are probably going to try and push the war into Iran before Bush is out, which means 'terrorism' is likely going to be engineered to happen before then to 'justify' retalliation. Anyways, make your own decision if you decide to read this (on what to do); one person's safety planning is another person's overblown paranoia.
Suddenly with a loud rumble the ground cracked and a great tremor was felt in the land. And from the yawning fissure in the earth arose a figure drapped in a dark hooded cloak. It strode silently up to the young artist, throwing back it's hood revealing a long dinosaurian snout. It entended a clawed hand, upon which a small gold chain hung. The creature's reptilian eyes appraised the young artist warmly and pride was evident in it's gaze. It has been a long time, Jen. I see that you have done well. The creature's mouth turned upward in what may have passed for a grin. I hope that you have not forgotten old friends. I certainly havn't forgotten you. You helped bring me to life with the drawing of me that you made. Do you remember it?
I like goats. These goats I really like! Yeah, I like goats. :)
Dude, Jen, these are so cool! Really awesome poses and boy...what a big dump!
Jen you think you're so sneaky don't you? Updating your blog and then telling me all you did was mess around with your template! You can't fool me! These goats are pretty sweet! So sweet that I can't pick a favorite. You should board it now!
Thanks guys! Glad you like the goat dump! :)!
Heidi - meheheh. You better believe it! And thanks dude! I think that will be my next step. Oh boy!!! You gotta let me borrow that cintiq!
jen that drawing is so f-en funny of the goat drawing in the sand with his horn.
Hi Jennifer,
My name is Yezi and I have just been accepted by the CalArts CA program. I found your blog on and was wondering if I could ask you a few questions.
I guess my biggest question is how helpful was the CalArts career services office? How did you go about looking for jobs/internships? And was it difficult at all looking for a job with a primarily 2d background in such a 3d-dominated industry?
Thank you!
ps: Love your goats!
people in the lab were going "awwwww" over your lamb. baby lamb that is.
I like the guy drawing with his horn. That's one of those things where drawing out your ideas is the best, because would you have even thought of that if you were writing it down??
Is he a dark wizard
Who is cursing the troll
I like the cute little baby one, too. And the beefy mangoat. They're all freakin awesome, Jen.
pen - thanks dude! that makes me happy. :)
yezix - I'd be happy to answer your questions, but email would be better. Do you have an email I could send the answers to? and thanks!
Ed - Haha! Sweet! That exact reaction is what I wanted.
Emma - Thanks! I need to try more to draw ideas instead of just characters. I'm happy with that sketch because it accomplished just that. Must do more!
Horns. Yeah. Horns are the new black.
These goat designs are Awesome!
: )
nicely designed goats!
Really cool sketches throughout your blog here. Be back soon for more. :)
i like the second last goat the best.
and also the other one. i like that one too.
AWESOME goat design!!
Wow, really nice animal sketches, those horns and shapes are wild!
Hi Jennifer, my email is
That top goat is creepy,Jen. Maybe that should be your troll character.
dear jen, please make this.
<3 kelly
Man, Jen, your animal drawings know no rival! I love the horn-scratching sketch. But I seem to remember there also being an allosaurus guarding the bridge. Don't forget to draw him ;)
hopefully it's made up. local to you tho, sorry i didn't research more before posting this here but I get the impression time is short- they are probably going to try and push the war into Iran before Bush is out, which means 'terrorism' is likely going to be engineered to happen before then to 'justify' retalliation.
Anyways, make your own decision if you decide to read this (on what to do); one person's safety planning is another person's overblown paranoia.
Time for an update Jen!
Excelent drawings, the ones with thehughe horns are the most interesting visually.
HA HAAAAAA!!! THOSE ARE BEAUTIFUL JEN!! BEAUTIFUL!! So funny. Great variety. I love them all!!
i just came across your blog. these sketches are fantastic. gret work.
hi jen
its a very beautiful drawings I really like them nice to see U :)
Nice goat drawings. I'd love to see Billy Goat's Gruff animated.
Suddenly with a loud rumble the ground cracked and a great tremor was felt in the land. And from the yawning fissure in the earth arose a figure drapped in a dark hooded cloak. It strode silently up to the young artist, throwing back it's hood revealing a long dinosaurian snout. It entended a clawed hand, upon which a small gold chain hung. The creature's reptilian eyes appraised the young artist warmly and pride was evident in it's gaze.
It has been a long time, Jen. I see that you have done well. The creature's mouth turned upward in what may have passed for a grin. I hope that you have not forgotten old friends. I certainly havn't forgotten you. You helped bring me to life with the drawing of me that you made. Do you remember it?
hbmVUe Your blog is great. Articles is interesting!
O8Yf1z Thanks to author.
FvfH7I Wonderful blog.
Please write anything else!
Good job!
Good job!
Hello all!
Hello all!
Please write anything else!
Hello all!
qZSZ6d actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
Nice Page!
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Nice Page!
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