Well I finally finished the "Sky Bound" film stuff for my portfolio. I kinda got stuck on it for a month, but now its DONE. I put in two sections from the film's boards and did some little storybook vignette things to go with them. Here's the last three I did. I've been having fun with the chalk brush in Photoshop. :)

Jen, your awesomeness is inspiring. I can't wait to see your new portfolio, it's clearly going to kick so much ass.
Keep it up!
Some really amazing drawings Jen. I miss seeing your drawings. I want more drawings.
Looks pretty sweet!
Jenny, are you going to the wedding of the century? in sandiego?
effin rad, Jen!
You should do a cross-over comic featuring the Liger and Napoleon Dynamite
Hey Jen, Very nice work.. .hope all is going well for you down at DW.
awww, so cute
all right you are done!
come and join all of us!
you're awesome jen...so well rounded...not fat, but that you can do all different types of art...yeah!
Hey Hater,
Nice Blog. I still think you should go back and do the mustache swap in your 3rd year film. It doesn't feel right without it.
Jenerally Speaking.. haha I get it
Man, that stuff kicks ass.
Your Characters have alot of character and are very gestural. Nice work.
I'm new to your blog and it's GREAT!!
lovin' it!! Really enjoy that loose line quality of yours! CHEERS!
wow, these are great, good work.
Lovely. I really enjoy the relationship aspect of these illos.
I remember this film~!
hey, jen! it's been a while since I saw you.So, how's it going? I just recently made account at blogger, and found everyone's blogs. this is a whole new thing to me. how do I make that link to other people's blog thing anyway?
I still need to bring my cat over to your place once.
Jen, my edwardjuan.com name got stolen. I forgot to pay the last hosting service bill so they cancelled my account. Before I could buy it back someone else took it. So now the person wants me to pay him/her some crap load of money for it. I'm like... FUCK YOU. the end. hahahaha!
Sweet blog. I love this sky bound stuff. It looks really fun.
Freakin killer work Jen. Thanks for the comment and for adding me to your links. I still cant get a link list to work on my blog, or else I would already have one and added you to it. Blogspot hates me, but Ill get it working sooner or later. Keep up the good work.
Jen, We missed you the past few classes. Hope your doing awsome.
Hey Jen, nice to see you're still drawing gryphons, but whatever happened to Napoleon? I miss that Iguana. ;)
Some seriously nice stuff here - keep it all coming!!
So there you are, Jen. Your work is better than ever (and still full of griffins, I'm glad to see). And working for Dreamworks now? That's fantastic. I'm glad you put this blog up (and that I found it). I've been missing the art for a few years now.
Todd Lucas
wow, how cute is that last one? Nice
Your Characters are beautiful!!!
They remind me a little of Mike Kunkel's Hero Bear and the kid!!!
Pure Awesomeness!!!!
Love it!!
I saw your showreel, its beautiful!
Do you have any links with your films on? I would love to see Sky Bound!!!
charley w
Hi Jen,
I have been a fan of your work for so long! You were one of my biggest inspirations in college, and I just stumbled across your work again, so I thought I'd say "hi, and thanks for the inspiration!"
Awesome :-) i'm italian animator...please we can keep in touch?
i love your works,they are realy great.Can you give me your opinion on my works?Thank you advance.
Nice Page!
Great illustration! There's a lot of feeling in these amazing works of art!
nice. really nice.
I would love to see this finished work. I found your work this week and its my favorite on the web right now! So emotional! Please let me know if there is a copy on the web.
And I found it! Brilliant! Great work! Perfect music too!
i LOVE watching this bit on the reel you have on youtube! i love it so much! The characters are so well exicuted and the story just seems so great! i wish i could watch the whole thing!
You an inspiration to me! YAY!
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