Sunday, December 23, 2007
I made a Christmas picture!
So I've been watching all these Christmas movies and listening to all this Christmas music, and I just wanted to make something ....Christmasy! I started drawing Reindeer after watching this reindeer documentary on Discovery this morning. Then I had this idea that I wanted to draw an old reindeer, because they're so droopy and shaggy looking. Then I thought, what if the old reindeer was an old retired Rudolph and he was telling his story to the little deers. Kinda cute! I liked the idea so I tried to draw it. I wish I could have spent more time on this, but Christmas is on Tuesday and I'm pretty much booked with stuff to do until then. Not to mention my art supplies consist of a ballpoint pen and photoshop with a laptop TOUCHPAD. Sorry if my coloring looks like a drunken baby did it. Anyways! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays and all that!

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Wow. Looks like a drunken baby colored that.
Awww...so cute! (Give my regards to the drunken baby.^^)
Of,course you know Rudolph is only gonna tell the story to the youngins like he wants to remember.
" So Santa walks up to me and says"Rudolph, with your nose so bright, won't you guide my sleigh tonight."
And I said ,Santa, you hurt me bad man. I don't know if I have it in me to forgive you for not stepping in and stopping the constant abuse I had to take from Comet and his ilk. But now look at Comet; grounded, cant fly out of this pea soup weather on the only night he can soar the skies. But I'm gonna forgive Comet and you,old man, cause I'm the forgiving type and I want history to remember this day. I want history to say my name and say that I laid down my broken heart for the little children of the world and took charge of a team of deer that despised me. I'm doing it for the children."
wow, I got pretty serious there didnt I. Oh well, thats the Oscar winning speech for the actor that can pull it off. Maybe Nicholas Cage.
looks like rudolph is an old drunk!
Cool concept, but Rudolph is made of magic and therefore doesn't age:)
Just playing. Merry X-Mas,
That is such an awesome and christmasy concept, makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside!
hey, Jen~! wow I haven't seen jesus talking to you for so long. and, that rudolph does look kinda old. hehe..
I like the babies. so cute...
anyway, I stopped by to say "happy birthday! it's a little late of the day but still it's Jan. 1st~!
Happy birthday! and have a safe trip back.
Just saw your reel on youtube, It was awesome. I am looking forward to work with you. and i looooove the design for "sky bound"!!!
i love this piece...they should turn it into a full length xmas special feature! how cool would that be...
Jen! Christmas is over! Update your blog!
I agree with Vi.
Nice Page!
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