Saturday, April 19, 2008
Yeah its been a while. I know. That's pretty much how I start all my posts. Anyways for the two people still checking this blog here's a new post!! I've been drawing Neverending Story characters lately of all things. There are such cool looking characters in that movie. I love it! I drew some luck dragons and the Gmork, but I left my sketchbook at work, so I doodled some Gmorks on my brand new 12inch CINTIQ! It was pretty fun. And here they are!

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Hey Jen.
I read your blog. Meow meow!
These are awesome. I'm sitting in an airport wishing for a starbucks. Where's Falkor when you need him?
That wolf scared the hell outta me when I was a kid! Happy you're posting more art though!!
I Love Never ending Story. One of the coolest kids films EVAR.GMORk made me drop a load in my pansts but not enough to get up from my seat and clean myself. OK, that last sentence was just wrong but still.
And by the way Jen, all these Gmork drawings are now the property of Disney Enterprises and all their affiliates!:)
Holy crap, I love the Never Ending Story! It has one of the best death-scenes in any film ever, "Artax, you stupid horse!" I'm getting angry just thinking about it.
I didn't know the wolf was called the Gmork, he had an awesome voice; why couldn't they pull off talking dogs like that in Narnia?
Anyway, well drawn. Those teeth are intense :)
You know...I think I liked that Gmork better than the Luck Dragon...The Gmork seemed honest and the Luck Dragon seemed like a big perv...Well, anyway, these are sweet.
Please post more drawings! I love your style! and i was wondering how i could get a chance to see your Cal arts Final films.
Yeah!! I'm finally out of school and have a chance to actually finish reading it! Your drawings of Gmork are right on! Love 'em!
Please upload more drawings, I read your blog!
I'm watching your art since "The Mystic Realm" ... and was happy when found you again here :)
Beuatiful drawings, btw. Neverending story is one of my favourite movies
You gotta Cintiq! It's quite fun, I admit.
Nice yellow eyes!
Hello! I just had to drop by and say I found your demo reel on Youtube, and you are absolutely AMAZING. Is there any chance you could put up your whole films online? :)
Oh, and what was the music you used for the background of your demo? It's so good!
So...what's "The Mystic Realm?"
I anxiously await your response.
awesome wolves, congrats on the cintique!
the mystic realm was a website featuring salamanders and griffons and gargoyles... and the occasional human type...
they had names...WHY CAN'T I REMEMBER THE NAMES!?!
hmm Napoleon?
I don't remember the girls name...
anyhoo, it's right up there with 'artlairs' to me ;)
I'm sorry I did this to you Jen.
I ran into your portfolio reel on youtube and now I'm dying to see both "Sky Bound" and "Lights Out," however, the streaming versions on CalArts' website are seemingly down. Is there anywhere else I can find these? Are they on any DVD Collections of short animated films?
nice blogs!
Hello there, I am trying to figure out if we had 6th or 7th grade art class together. Does the name Denika Robbins ring a bell?
update. your. blog.
Been a fan of your work ever since I caught a glimpse of it on Youtube. As a student animator myself, I draw allot of inspiration from you work. Keep it up, I await more updates!
Cool story Hansel...
... a quote from Zoolander.
I found your blog! Isn't that exciting! Tragically, it seems you never update it, which I might criticize you for, were that totally not the case for myself as well. Ach.
So yeah. I was thinking about it, and I'll bet you just can't get a damned thing done at Disney what with Destiny CONSTANTLY talking to you and everyone else. Because that's all she does - talks all day. To everyone. All the time. I am so serious.
Update, update, update...
And I think I speak for everyone else when I say this - we need to see more penwork from Jen. Even if it's a scan of one of your old W2 tax forms - something on paper at least with the Jen Hager touch to it - any kind of update will suffice.
...Oh wait a minute, Heidi already said the same thing.
great blog and artwork!
Hello Jenny if im aloud to call you something that casual <_<
I go by ages just about everywhere, yahooim,msn, bla bla bla, and im sounding to professional so ill lighten it up.
Your awesome, please, some how make Lights out, or, whatever the thing with the dog and that rat creature that scares the crap out of me is called.
Its so magical, it reminds me of the good old days of movies i love.
i haven't felt so lifted since i saw this movie called the forbidden kingdom, which wasn't all to long ago, but that magic is so rare to find, Ive taken such an interest in animation recently, i also have a VAST, like, take 6 hours to explain, large, Story, called, well. Ages,
ive worked almost my entire life, at least since 2000 or 2002 when i started making characters because i loved the, basically the internet world of real time book writing, which most people know as Role playing when it comes to text or what not
Example: * A shadowy figure rested himself in a crooked wooden chair,his eyes glowed red and his smiled shimmered in the mood light as if he wasn't evil enough a disturbing chuckled released from his crooked yellow teeth*
Well anyways, ill get to the point.
i wanted to thank you for the joy you have given me in animation, and certainly in all you've done and are, thanks, right now its 2 am, and im staring tiredly at an attempted paper animation that looks kinda cool for one frame that i kinda doodled for like 30 minutes.
He is the main villain in ages, his name is wraith and he's also known as The wraith of the dead lands, or The oracle of shadow and death, mmm, pleasant, anyhow, im rambling, thanks for the inspiration, and if you have any tips on animation and how to keep complex things from falling into a jumbled mess of scribble, comment back or email me or something.
Hi. Found your blog via Academy of Art Animation Blog. Awesome stuff you've got here! Very inspiring.
TAG! You're it. See my blog for details. It's a race between you and Minkyu to see who will notice this first. :)
Hey! I just saw your demo reel at You Tube. WOOW!! Congratulations girl! It's beautiful!! I loved it!
Wow, just saw your student film work. I'm still picking my teeth off the floor when my jaw dropped. Truly inspirational, you guys at CalArts really set a high bar, thanks for the amazing work. Boy do I miss 2D.
very nice art work, though this wolf are very scary. Web Designer | Web Hosting
I love your stuff!!! Keep it up!!
Here's a secret...I've never seen it...think it'll still stand up today?
Come on Jen. It's been a YEAR. I know you have something you can post.
Awesome work Jen!!!
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